After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically opposed figure of the United States military. Together, they brave the toxic landscape in search of safety... and answers.
Up Next in COMEDY
Midnight Oil
Guy and Lenny are two strangers who meet one night in Los Angeles and are thrust into a bizarre series of events that involves guns, ghosts, cults, lizards, dope, books, washed-up film directors, and more. No car, no phone, no cash... but they do have a little weed.
Knight Of The Living Dead
After a drinking binge, some friends end up in Iceland where they accidentally resurrect a knight and a Viking from the dead.
Reunion Of Champions
A quirky dramedy about a group of diverse fighters with special abilities who once saved the world from a great evil, who then reunite years later while coping with the mundane existential ennui of crumbling marriages, unfulfilling jobs, and drug abuse.