In the year 2036 a special forces team led by Major Agatha Doyle, formed from death-row prisoners, takes on a mission. A former war hero on death row is offered the chance at a pardon if he joins the team to infiltrate an enemy facility.
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Ingloda: The Possession Within
One girl's mysterious past leaves her with unresolved issues that begin to haunt her everyday life, while her friends try to save her from herself. Her journey in the rel world ends when Ingloda begins.
Malevolent Ascent
Strangers in an elevator. A patient in a straight jacket. An incident that will change their lives forever.
Three Thai teens in New York City are planning the New Year's Party of their lives. They called Jesus, a drug dealer, to drop off some stuff at their apartment so they can celebrate and countdown the end of the year in style. Little did they know that Jesus' visit that night will change their liv...