After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically opposed figure of the United States military. Together, they brave the toxic landscape in search of safety... and answers.
Up Next in SCI-FI
(Turn on the subtitle option)
Ansio Bruselas must overcome the phobia that keeps him, prisoner, in his tidy, comfortable and safe home, because of the certain possibility that her sister will have her breasts amputated with a tool as unsubtle as a saw.
The journey does not seem difficult: find a ... -
Mutant Blast
(Be sure to turn on subtitles)
Maria, a fearless soldier, and TS-347, a man with superhuman strength, are being pursued by a military cell responsible for scientific experiments that have resulted in a zombie apocalypse. On the way, they will meet Pedro, a man with few ambitions and a great hango... -
Frankie In Blunderland
Frankie in Blunderland tells the story of Frank Bellini, played by Aramis Sartorio (also known as adult film star Tommy Pistol). Frank's life is a mess. After a series of questionable events, Frank embarks on a surreal journey to find his wife after she is kidnapped. You've never seen anything li...