Dragon Fury 2
1h 26m
Directed by David Heavener
Starring Robert Chapin, Mike Norris
The fate of the world is once again at stake! When a demonic wizard vows to enslave the future, only a hero from the past can save the present from becoming history.
Acting Out
Directed by Carl Gurevich, Ralph Rosenblum
Starring Valerie Adami, Michael Gaunt, Ellen FaisonBefore the dawn of reality T. V., the film Acting Out showed everyday people revealing their their most private fantasies. Ten people were selected after answering an ad in Gallery Magazine. From there...
Stiff Jobs
"Stiff Jobs" is the story of two of the most ruthless hitmen in all of Strangeville, Wolfram and Windgate. What was to be a routine hit on a well-to-do gay pedophile with inclinations toward fat Cuban boys, turns into murder, mayhem and all the perverted sexual nonsense Hack Movies is known for w...