High Kick Girl!
Young girl Kei Tsuchiya (played by Rina Takeda) is a very talented karate pupil, trained by her sensei Yoshiaki Matsumura (played by Tatsuya Naka). But Kei Tsuchiya is very arrogant and spends her time degrading various other karate students in different karate challenges. One day she is approached by a mysterious organisation called The Destroyers, that wants to recruit her. But too late she realizes that it's not her,rather her sensei Matsumura, they are interested in.
The Sanctuary
In 1897, the "Poisoned Knife" clan broke into the royal palace of Thailand to steal the Royal Antiques, but the thieves didn't escape with their lives. Before their deaths, they hid the antiques somewhere close to the palace.Today, Wisa (Winston Omega), the mafia boss whose ancestors masterminded...
Kick To The Head
When a comical mob bag-man rats out the local mob boss, the bagman's cousin must rescue him from both the mob and the cops so he can testify at the grand jury.