The Light Of Day
1h 25m
Directors: Amy Carroll, Conor Dowling
Stars: Jack Hickey, Lorna Larkin, Aidan Lawlor
A hilarious mockumentary 'The Light of Day' follows a flailing film crew as they attempt to adapt the vampire graphic novel 'The Quench'. Hindered by their tragically over-zealous director, it will take the two sane people on set, cinematographer Michael and writer Sarah, to save the film.
Reel Horror
Directed by Ross Hagen
Starring Catherine Bach, Thalia Shire, Donald PleasenceAdrenaline-pumping scenes taken from clips, cuts, outtakes and trailers of the best in Hollywood horror!
Parts Of The Family
Directed by Leon Paul De Bruyn
Starring Cecilia Bergqvist, Bob Dougherty, Leo Franquet, Paul Houwen, Hugo Vanden Brmet, Willy Leus, Johanna Lesage, Leen Vandereycken, Norman Baert, John Idem, Bert Strouwen, Jaak Varbist, Geert Hoornaert, Bruno Vandebossche with LLOYD KAUFMAN as Carl ResslerTr...
Mr Bricks: A Heavy Metal Murder Musical
Directed by Travis Campbell
Starring Tim Dax, Nicola Fiore, Vito TrigoMr. Bricks: A Heavy Metal Murder Musical introduces tattooed muscleman Tim Dax as Mr. Bricks, an ex-con left for dead in an empty New York City warehouse. Rocked by headaches caused by the bullet lodged in his brain, he p...