In a world where street gangs collide with the law, neighborhood friends, Raymond and Gabriel, must decide which side of the battle to join. This will be the ultimate fight - the one for power, family, and HONOR.
Up Next in DRAMA
(Turn on subtitles)
A deceitful and unemployed 40-year-old man returns to the house of his mother, who has recently passed away, to spend time with his alcoholic father and with a strange monster that oozes skin pieces, employed as fabric on the family's tailor shop business. -
Troubled tells the story of Freddy and Fanny Salmon, a brother and sister both with mental disabilities. Freddy suffers an extreme case of OCD as well as other issues in which Fanny looks after him. But she has a dark side, a temper that is growing out of control, and her caring for Freddy turns ...
A French Woman
Mira in her mid-forties has been living in Paris for more than twenty years. Having just divorced her French husband, she impulsively decides to visit Korea and meets her old friends Young-eun and Sung-woo who had lessons of play 20 years ago. While having cheerful times in a bar, Mira goes to a ...