Drama, 01-Sep-2007
Troubled tells the story of Freddy and Fanny Salmon, a brother and sister both with mental disabilities. Freddy suffers an extreme case of OCD as well as other issues in which Fanny looks after him. But she has a dark side, a temper that is growing out of control, and her caring for Freddy turns into an obsessive incest relationship in which Freddy is stuck in. Will he be able to escape his deranged sister with help from his friends? Enter the world of mental illness at is most controversial side.
Lust For Freedom
Directed by Eric Louzil
Starring Melanie Coll, William J. Kulzer, Judi Trevor, featuring Dee 'Queen Kong' BooherSomewhere– in the middle of nowhere, there is a town so sinister, that visitors who dare cross its borders become forever lost in the swamp of corruption. Criminals, mobsters and misf...
A Nymphoid Barbarian In Dinosaur Hell
Directed by Brett Piper
Starring Linda Corwin, Paul Guzzi, Alex Pirnie, Mark Deshaies, K. Alan Hodder, Scott Ferro, Ryan PiperAcross a hostile landscape, humans battle for supremacy against mutants. Deadly dinosaurs have arisen from a nuclear holocaust, and all of them are hot for A NYMPHOID B...
Merchants of Death
Directed by Ross Hagen
Starring Ross Hagen, P.J. Soles, Clint Howard, Russ Tamblyn
Modern medicine has found the Fountain of Youth, and doctors now wield the power of God. B.O.R.N. (Body Organ Replacement Network) is a black market trafficking in human organs. This network makes the impossible a...